What's the average ACT score for Duke?

Hi, I'm a junior considering applying to Duke. It would be awesome if someone could share what the average ACT score for admitted students is? I am currently in the process of setting my goals for my next ACT test. Thanks for the help!

2 months ago

The middle 50% ACT range for Duke University was 34-35 for the 2023-2024 application cycle. This data point is often more helpful than the average ACT score because it shows where the majority (50%) of admitted students' scores fall.

If your score falls within this range, you're academically competitive for Duke! However, keep in mind that admissions will consider multiple aspects of your application, and not just test scores. It's beneficial to have a high ACT score, but also make sure to have strong grades, extracurriculars, and essays. Good luck with your test prep!

2 months ago

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