Unregistered contractors are a threat to both consumers and legitimate contractors. L&I wants to help combat this underground economy.
We have created this one-stop reporting tool for the public, and industry professionals, to report suspicious activities such as the following:
- Unregistered contractors bidding or working in Washington.
- Contractors that are not properly paying for workers' comp insurance.
- Contractors that are not paying prevailing wages.
- Contractors that are not paying agreed upon wages and overtime when required.
Use our Verify tool to see if a business you want to contract with has an active contractor registration, and an active and paid-to-date workers' compensation account covering any employees. At the same time, you can check for safety violations, lawsuits against their surety bond, and more.
It's a red flag if an employer.
- Is operating a business without the proper license or registration and has workers.
- Pays workers in cash and doesn't give them any kind of payroll stub.
- Submits bids on jobs well below the industry standard.
- Has a large number of corporate officers listed for the firm, and all work at the firm.
- Does not maintain or report complete and accurate employee payroll information.
- Pays workers on a piece work bases and does not record hours.
- Requires employees to work long hours but turns in fewer hours than they actually worked.
- Has a worker who gets injured on the job, and the employer promises to pay the doctor and medical bills rather than report the accident to L&I.
- Has workers who find they do not qualify for unemployment insurance because the employer under-reported their hours.
- Has several "corporate officers" who do not exercise control of the business operations.
File a report
Have questions about our free Contractor Training Days? Contact us!
- Email: LniTraining@Lni.wa.gov